The Dangers of Accepting Blind Dates by Fr. Donald F. Miller

Problem:  What  is  your  opinion of blind dates?  My  parents  refuse  to  let  me  go out  with  anybody  unless I know  something about  him  beforehand. Some  of my  girl  friends  can go out  with anybody,  whether they  know  the  person or not.  And often  they  call  me  up and tell  me  they  have  a  date  for me,  but  I’m never allowed to go out  on such  parties.  How  is  a  girl  ever going  to meet  someone  she  might  have  a chance  to marry,  if she  can  never get  acquainted with  new  people?

Solution:  Experience  proves  that  there  is  a  great  deal  of danger in  blind dates, and that  there  is  much wisdom  in the  policy  pursued  by  your  parents. In these  times  it  is  difficult  enough for a  girl  to avoid dangerous  and sometimes  morally  fatal  entanglements  even when she  does  not  take  chances  on dating with unknown and possibly  designing  characters. You should be  aware  of some  of the  dangers  that  have  always  been found to  be  connected with accepting blind dates.  The  utter  freedom  that  is  permitted  to your  girl  friends  by  their  parents  makes  it very  possible  that  the  source  of their  contacts  with strangers  may  be  suspect.  They  probably  meet  such men hanging  around taverns, or public  dance  halls, or cocktail  bars.  This  does  not  infallibly  mean  that the  men  they  meet  are  bad, but  the  chances  are  high enough to render  it  foolhardy  for a  girl  to rush out to spend an evening with one  of them. Oftentimes  such men are  already  married, are  in town for a  few  days, and are  looking  for girl companions  with whom  they  can have  what  they  call  “a  good time”.  And it  is  not  uncommon for such to lie  about  their  marital  status  when  looking for girls  to take  out  in a  strange  city.  Often, too,  they  are divorced  men, or men  who have  made  their  own home  life  unhappy,  who frequent  the  taverns  in quest of consolation  or excitement  through  chance  contacts  with girls  who don’t  care  much what  they  do. There  are  some  blind dates  that  are  not  especially  dangerous, and I am  sure  that  your  parents  would recognize  such. If a  reputable  friend, from  a  good family,  has  out-of-town relatives  to entertain, about whose  background  she  knows  something, it  would  not  be  too  imprudent  to accept  a  date  with one  of  them  and to make  one  of a  party  for the  evening.  The  one  thing  that  is  important  is  that  a  girl  have some  positive  knowledge  that  she  is  not  going out  with  a  married man,  a  divorced  man, or an unprincipled man.  She  cannot  know  that  if  she  accepts  stone-blind dates  with strangers.
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